
Harbour Update – posted 20/10/20

westerly is a mini influx of Glossy Ibis into Dorset! In total it seems 8 different individuals were logged along the Dorset coast with 3 being seen in the harbour with 2 logged in the Studland/Ballard area and another seen over Lytchett Fields and later again at Holton Pools (4 at Christchurch Harbour and 1 at Portland/Weymouth). We can’t seem to remember mid to late October being a particularly good time for Glossy ibis, so why 8 suddenly appeared today is anyone’s guess. Still, lets hope they stick around or that the influx continues! Also around the harbour was a Great White Egret seen over South beach Studland with 3 Black-necked Grebe and 4 Common Scoter out in Studland Bay. Off Jerry’s Point there were 4 Common Scoter, 1 Red-breasted Merganser and 2 more Black-necked Grebe. At Lytchett fields there were 2 Curlew Sandpiper, 8 Grey Plover, c200 Dunlin, 3 Avocet and c140 Black-tailed Godwit. The Stilt Pools at Swineham hosted 27 Dunlin, 10 Shoveler, 19 Black-tailed Godwit and 31 Lapwing. Along Baiter there were 20 Turnstone and in Poole Park 2 Kingfisher were active on the main lake

We were also excited to collect in our night sound recording equipment from the roof of a tall high-rise block of flats in Poole having been recording every night for about two weeks. The initial checks show there have been some really decent Redwing movements over Poole Old Town with a good number of Song Thrush and Blackbirds logged too, but only several Fieldfare so far. Also of note so far (although we still have about 10 nights to check) have been a couple of Skylark, 1 Golden Plover and best of all, a close Hawfinch. We’ll be checking more files over the coming days and will be re-deploying the recorder

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