
Harbour Update – posted 20/05/15

The undoubted highlight today was of a female Red-footed Falcon found feeding out on Wareham Water Meadows this afternoon. The bird had been reported in a garden near Wareham first thing this morning, but no further news was confirmed. However is was later found feeding next to the bridge on the Wareham bypass where at times it was flying past the many observers 10 feet away! This is the first Poole Harbour record for 20 years, with the last being up on Ballard Down in June 1995. It stayed faithful to the site next to the bridge for several hours but then disappeared. However it was later re-found further up the Frome Valley near, just west of the bypass. Not quite as good, but still significant was the news of a singing Wood Warbler in the Corfe River Valley, a real rarity in the harbour these days. At Lytchett Bay there were 4 Redshank, 12 Dunlin, 2 Lapwing and 104 Black-tailed Godwit. A Red Kite drifted over Upton CP this moring and Middlebere saw 2 Spoonbill.

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