
Harbour Update – posted 20/04/24

This northerly wind doesn’t seem to be letting up anytime soon, although some birds seem to still be getting through when a Nightjar (the years first) was seen flying in off the sea at Ballard Down. There was also a Cirl Bunting heard again on Ballard with a Tree Pipit over there too and 2 Wheatear on the deck. The Bonaparte’s Gull was on Wareham Common at dawn, but there was no sign later in the day. There were 2 White-tailed Eagle in the Wareham Channel, male Osprey 022 was hunting off Round Island this afternoon, a Common Swift was back in Upper Parkstone and there was a light passage of Swallow moving through all day. A Cuckoo was calling on Hartland Moor this morning. A smattering of Whimbrel were in various bays on the low tide.

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