
Harbour Update – posted 20/04/23

Spring is pressing on and we’re almost in May! There are more good birds on the way and it won’t belong until the first Swifts arrive. Until then we’ll have to make do with the busy arrival of Swallow and Sand Martin that continued to arrive during the course of today, and it even seems some House Martin are back on territory already now. Whimbrel were seen at several sights with 5 in Holes Bay, 5 in Lytchett Bay 3 off Shipstal Point, 3 in Brands Bay and 6 in Middlebere. 3 different White-tailed Eagle were in and around the Wareham Channel. The Peregrine pair on Barclays are either still incubating or may even have newly hatched young? At Swineham 3 Little Ringed Plover were on the pool north of the gravel pit and a Garganey was on the Stilt Pool this evening. A Common Whitethroat was in scrub next to Rock Lea viewpoint and a Cuckoo was at RSPB Arne, with another cuckoo at Lytchett Bay along with 1 Spotted Redshank, 3 Ringed Plover and a newly arrived Common Sandpiper. 

Common Whitethroat – Slepe Heath – Mark Wright

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