
Harbour Update – Posted 20/01/16

The cold crisp weather continued to impress with the most incredible sunrise as everything was dusted white with frost. There was what seemed to be a mini thrush arrival with good numbers of Redwing and Fieldfare at places like Holton Lee, Upton CP and Arne. The Brownsea Black Guillemot decided to leave its favored spot off the Brownsea SE corner and bravely ventured 200m east and sat in and around the harbour mouth mid morning with a Common Guillemot replacing it by the afternoon. The Smew was still present in Holes Bay south with 4 Goldeneye, 4 Red-breasted Merganser and 2 Kingfisher and on the railway embankment its self were 93 Oystercatcher, 1 Common Sandpiper, 1 Turnstone and 23 Little Egret. At Holton Lee Great Spotted Woodpecker started drumming and there was what seemed to be a mini thrush arrival with a decent Fieldfare and Redwing flock out in the fields (decent in comparison with recent totals at least). Out in the Wareham Channel there was 1 Great Northern Diver, 3 Goldeneye and good numbers off Great Crested Grebe and Red-breasted Merganser. At PC World at least 2 Firecrest were in the scrub with 10+ Chiffchaff and at Norden Sewage Works the 2 Firecrest continue to show really well on the filter beds and surrounding scrub. Off Baiter there were 2 distant Great Northern Diver, 6 Shoveler off the Brownsea north shore, 13 Turnstone and 4 Dunlin on the sea wall. 

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