
Harbour Update – posted 19/12/14

The species range out in Studland Bay is starting to look pretty impressive, especially now that the Black Guillemot has been re-located out there. It was found off Middle Beach, but was also viewable from South Beach. It was some distance out, only viewable with a telescope, but that’s not to say it won’t come in closer over the coming days/weeks. An hour vigil from South Beach this afternoon produced 1 Black Guillemot, 19+ Black-necked Grebe, 1 Red-necked Grebe, 1 Slavonian Grebe, 1 Great Northern Diver, 1 Razorbill, 4 Great Crested Grebe, 15 Red-breasted Merganser, 2 Sandwich Tern and 10+ Mediterranean Gull. There are now 4 Hen Harrier in the harbour, 2 juveniles, 1 adult male and a young male, along with the 11 Marsh Harrier, 2 Merlin and numerous Peregrine. The best place to try and catch up with any of these is around the Swineham area or viewing Arne Moors from the top of Slepe Heath, as Arne Moors is strictly a private site with no access. 

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