
Harbour Update – Posted 17/12/15

At the Fishermans Dock end of Baiter the Great Northern Diver was again feeding close into the shoreline with a Guillemot in tow and 3 Red-breasted Merganser and a Little Grebe. The Pale-belled Brent Goose was still in the Brent Goose flock and the Turnstone and Ringed Plover flock were again on the eastern Baiter Beach tide line. There were several raptor battles today with a Merlin dive bombing a ringtail Hen Harrier out in the Wareham Channel, a Short-eared Owl and Marsh Harrier also seen having a ding-dong and then towards the end of the day two ringtail Hen Harrier had a bit of a spat near Slepe Heath. Also a grey male Hen Harrier was seen out over Arne Moors. The Red-necked Grebe remained off Middle Beach, Studland and a Great Northern Diver was off Jerry’s point. 

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