
Harbour Update – posted 17/09/15

Another vis-mig session at South Haven this morning unfortunately didn’t reap the same rewards as yesterday, and in fact Steve Smiths new UK day record for Siskins lasted only one day with Sandwich Bay, in Kent seeing 4520 Siskin yesterday morning! A meager 62 were noted at South Haven, along with 5 Lesser Redpoll, 2 Garden Warbler, 2 Spotted Flycatcher and 2 Wheatear. On the Turlin Moor shore of Lytchett Bay there were 2 each of Redstart, Spotted Flycatcher, and Whitethroat also 15+ Blackcap a few Chiffchaff and plenty of Swallows streaming by. Elsewhere around the site were Stonechat a few Reed Buntings, 2 Cetti’s Warbler, a Kingfisher, 1 Common Sandpiper a few Siskin over and an Osprey high over the bay. On the Brownsea Lagoon 14 Spoonbill, 9 Spotted Redshank, 18 Greenshank, 250+ Avocet and 4 Knot were counted. 

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