
Harbour Update – posted 17/03/16

Spring really arrived today with birds, bees and butterflies all out and about. The warmth that built throughout the day saw plenty of raptors take advantage of the thermals and start displaying again. It seemed everywhere you looked Buzzards were soaring then dropping out of the sky in their acrobatic, quite dramatic areal courtship. Kestrels were even getting involved with a group of 4 circling and interacting together high over Arne Moors. Early on saw a Great White Egret flying along with a group of 10 Little Egrets at Lytchett Fields with 8 Water Pipit still out on the pools Field and a Marsh Harrier and Peregrine overhead. In Middlebere there were 6 Spoonbill and a Spotted Redshank and there was still at least 1 Firecrest at the PC World drain. Night recording from our listening station in Old Town, Poole produced just 7 Redwing, 2 Song Thrush and 2 Oystercatcher

There is also just a couple of weeks left of our Logo Design Competition which anyone is welcome to get involved in. We’re looking for people to get creative and inspired to enter our competition which will see the winning design used as our official logo for the Birds of Poole Harbour charity. For full details CLICK HERE

Black-tailed Godwit – Holes Bay – Denise Davis



Great White Egret – Lytchett Fileds – Ian Ballam

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