
harbour Update – posted 17/02/16

A ringtail Hen Harrier was hunting over the reedbed’s of Lytchett Heath, Lytchett Bay early morning. A Woodcock ringing session between Holton Lee and Lytchett Bay saw six birds seen and 2 ringed. A Ringed Plover calling over Lytchett Bay was a notable winter record. Other than that, all the usual’s were holding strong with Firecrests at Norden, Spoonbills at Arne, 1-2 Spotted Redshank in Holes Bay and Marsh Harrier in the Wareham Channel. Come on spring migrants hurry up…it’s all getting a bit samey! 

Spotted Redshank – Holes Bay – Jaqui Taylor



Red-breasted Merganser and Common Gull – Moriconium Quay – Michelle Collier



Starlings – Holton Lee – Paul Morton


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