
Harbour Update – posted 16/09/17

For most of the morning and early afternoon there was a strong passage of Meadow Pipit passing overhead, all passing on a broad front across the entire harbour along with a strong hirundine movement with many thousands of Swallow and to a lesser extent Sand Martin and House Martin moving WSW. The Spoonbill flock in Middlebere was 22 with 5 on the Brownsea Lagoon and 1 on Lytchett Fields. Ospreys were seen over the Wareham Channel and 1 in Brands Bay. 1-3 Marsh Harrier are currently present with birds moving about the Wareham Channel, Middlebere area.  The Baird’s Sandpiper was again on the Brownsea Lagoon and the Great White Egret was reported in Middlebere and then over the mouth of the Frome, Wareham Channel. Wheatears, Whitethroat and Whinchat were seen along Soldiers Road and 4 Yellow Wagtail were at Hartland Stud. Migration through the Ballard area was strong with 84 Chiffchaff, 4 Willow Warbler, 43 Blackcap, 3 Grasshopper Warbler, 2 Reed Warbler, 1 Sedge Warbler, 5 Whitethroat and 53 Sand Martin ringed. At Greenlands Farm there were 3 Spotted Flycatcher, 3 Wheatear, 28 Chiffchaff and 6 Blackcap at Brands Bay a single Osprey and at Manor Farm, Studland the Hooded Crow was still present. At dusk we also headed out into the Lower Frome Valley to try our first lamping session of the autumn/winter to assess whether any early Jack Snipe had arrived in. None were seen but 7 Common Snipe were flushed and the only bird ringed was in fact a Wheatear!

Wheatear ringed during lamping session – Lower Frome Valley

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