
Harbour Update – posted 15/12/14

There was lots of coverage from around the harbour today. Starting at Studland where much peninsular was covered. I experienced a wonderful first too when I had all three regular Diver species in one scope view out in Shell Bay. 

Middle Beach

Black-necked Grebe x 21

Great Northern Diver x 1

Great Crested Grebe x 2

Knoll beach

Firecrest x 2 (including 1 ringed bird)

Chiffchaff x 1

Bullfinch x 4

Shell Bay

Great Northern Diver x 3

Red-throated Diver x 1

Black-throated Diver x 1

Black-necked Grebe x 1

Treecreeper x 1

Lesser Redpoll x 2

Bramble Bush Bay

Goldeneye 20+

Red-breasted Merganser 100+

Grey Plover x 8

Great Crested Grebe 20+

Dartford Warbler x 2

Shipstal Point

Long-tailed Duck x 1 (think its the same as the Sandbanks bird)

Black-necked Grebe x 2

Goldeneye 80+

RB Merganser 200+

Great Crested Grebe 50+

Spoonbill x 19


Great Northern Diver x 1

Ringed Plover x 24 on rocks


The Short-eared Owl was out again along the Arne Road and 4 Marsh Harrier were seen to go into roost. At Middlebere there were 500 Dunlin in front of the hide, 300 Dark-belled Brent Geese, 250 Black-tailed Godwit, 110 Lapwing and ringtail Hen Harrier, 4 Spoonbill, 2 Yellow-legged Gull, plus the usual Teal, Wigeon, Redshank etc. Sanderlings are now a regular feature at either Shore Road (Whitley Lake) on a low tide, or along the Studland beaches on a high tide. A Common Sandpiper was in Holes Bay NE. There are so many great birds around the harbour at the moment, whether its Kingfishers in Poole Park, Rock Pipits and Brent Geese at Baiter, Turnstones on the Quay, masses of wildfowl in Holes Bay, Woodpeckers in Upton CP, a majestic Harrier or dopy Diver off Arne, it’s a great time of year to be out so make the most of it. 

I’ve also made two short videos recently, having not had time to put anything together over the last month or two. Watch the HERE…Enjoy!

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