Visible migration was fantastic toady with great conditions producing 354 Lesser Redpoll, 157 Siskin, 321 Goldfinch, 28 Crossbill, 1 Brambling and 1 Ring Ouzel at South Haven, with Glebelands seeing an equally great range of totals including 210 Siskin, 430 Goldfinch, 105 Goldfinch, 97 Lesser Redpoll and 1 Brambling. There were 3 Pintail flying high over Lytchett Bay were of note this morning, along with a group of Crossbill over towards Holton Lee. Several Firecrest were kicking around Poole park today, with a minimum count of 4 near the park steps to the north of the mini golf.
Today’s Poole Town Walk concluded with an exceptional record of a Great White Egret over Poole Town, coming in off the harbour! Other highlights from the guided walk included 2 Sandwich Tern seen fishing in the harbour, 3 Swallow, c20 Turnstone and a brief appearance from a Kingfisher at Poole Park. To book onto our free walks please visit:
Our team at Birds of Poole Harbour really enjoy running our free guided walks around Poole Town and the Harbour. By making a donation to the charity you will help us to continue to run these free events. You can add a donation when you checkout or by visiting our donate page.
This morning’s Winter Safari Cruise was brisk to say the least, but that didn’t stop us from seeing…
Find out moreWith the wind easing off today it made for easier birding, so much so that the first rarity…
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