
Harbour Update – posted 15/08/20

Wow, it actually felt quite nice having a day of drizzle and it not being about 40 degrees for once! Although the rain did hamper the birding somewhat. Still, our Osprey watch session at Ham Common still managed to draw a small crowd and 2 Osprey did eventually show them selves at the far end of the Wareham Channel. It seems the same two Osprey were very active in Middlebere prior with multiple voyages up and down the Middlebere Channel for about an hour before heading off towards the Wareham Channel. To the best of our knowledge there is still a minimum of 3 in the harbour, but we’re now entering the period when new birds could be arriving any time, and with the first Rutland chick having potentially already left on its migration it won’t be long until we see fresh juv’s appearing towards the end of the month. The Wood Sandpiper was again seen at Lytchett Fields briefly as was the Ruff . Late news from yesterday a Black Tern was out in Brands Bay and a potential juv/1st winter Caspian Gull was photographed by a visiting birder. Small numbers of migrants were logged with Whitethroat, Spotted Flycatcher and a few Willow Warbler at Wareham Common and two nights ago along side Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, Greenshank, Dunlin, Whimbrel and Curlew a Spotted Redshank was night sound recorded over Slepe Heath.

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Harbour Update – posted 20/10/24

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