
Harbour Update – posted 15/07/22

It sounds like there could be some juv Goshawk sightings logged soon with an increase in sightings of adult females in the last couple of days with one over Swineham yesterday and another (perhaps the same bird) over Lytchett Fields today. The sightings of adults dropped off considerably after the early spring when pairs settled at their nest sites. However it seems that any local chicks are probably close to fledging age, as adults are now being seen out hunting more. Juvenile Goshawks are stunning beasts, with a pale fawn/tan plumage and large tear drop shaped markings down their breast and bellies. They often spend much of August and September practicing their hunting techniques and go around terrorising the local Wood Pigeon or Corvid flocks. Also today White-tailed Eagle G801 was seen again over the Wareham Channel and at Lytchett fields the first Dunlin of the autumn appeared along with long staying Little Ringed Plovers, Green Sandpipers, Greenshank and Common Sandpiper. 

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