
Harbour Update – posted 15/03/24

We’ve now hit mid-March meaning we’re entering the full spring migration period with the next 2-months (mid-March to mid-May) offering the best variety of spring migrants, as well as seeing summer breeding species return. With each day that passes, the more chance something ‘new’ could turn up, and although this period isn’t as long-lived as the 5 month autumn migration period, spring migration offers the chance to see some incredible birds at their best. With yesterdays Hoopoe at Durlston, thoughts of other southern wanderers begin to manifest with Alpine Swift, Red-rumped Swallow and Great Spotted Cuckoo all possible in late March. Today didn’t quite live up to that standard, although 5 Sand Martin at Swineham was a good start and there seems to have been some decent Chiffchaff arrivals already with plenty singing around the harbour. There were 10 (newly arrived?) Spoonbill which dropped into the Wareham Channel this evening. This morning 2 Mandarin Duck were at Holmebridge, with another 4 in the Lower Piddle Valley over Wareham Common. A Golden Plover was in fields at Middlebere with 2 Lapwing. On Wareham Common 23 Cattle Egret were feeding, a Green Sandpiper and 3 Cetti’s Warbler were logged. At Middlebere this evening there were 2 Spotted Redshank.

Cattle Egrets – Wareham Common

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