
Harbour Update – posted 15/01/24

Well, it’s about time! Finally, after months of waiting Poole Harbour finally saw its first Waxwing of the winter. But….don’t get too excited just yet, as it wasn’t the viewing spectacle we’ve all been waiting so patiently for. Nope, it was chance encounter with a single Waxwing sat a top a tree in Slough Lane, Upton which was fortunately photographed by local photographer Peter Corbin before it then soon disappeared never to be seen again! Well, not today any way. This could be the start of ‘the arrival’ though as it was mid-January in 2013 when groups started being seen more regularly in Dorset during the last national irruption. Our best advice is now to check the top of every tree, bush and TV aerial around the area, in both urban and rural areas. Elsewhere the Slavonian Grebe was still off Jerry’s Point, a White-tailed Eagle was over Swineham, there were 3 Pochard on the gravel pit and 2 Cattle Egret were at Bestwall.

Waxwing – Slough Lane, Upton – Pete Corbin

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