
Harbour Update – Posted 15/01/16

A few more sightings today which included a ringtail Hen Harrier over Giggers Island in the Wareham Channel with 4-5 Marsh Harrier in the area too, also 8 Spoonbill feeding out in the Channel and good numbers of common waders. In Holes Bay NE a Spoonbill was feeding in the outflow channel at low tide with a Spotted Redshank. In Middlebere there were 2 Marsh Harrier, 1 Peregrine and a singing Dartford Warbler. At Arne a male Hen Harrier was seen, 2 Slavonian Grebe, 2 Black-necked Grebe and a Great Northern Diver were off Shipstal Point and there were 29 Spoonbill asleep. Avocet were in plentiful supply at both Middlebere and Shipstal. There were 2 Firecrest, 4 Goldcrest and a Chiffchaff at Norden Sewage Works and a Merlin along Soldiers Road.

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