
Harbour Update – posted 14/04/16

This morning another Osprey was found, this one sat in a tree on the edge of the Holton Lee site eating a fish, viewed from Lytchett Fields. It then went back to Lytchett Bay, caught another fish and then flew off NW high carrying its brunch along the way. Also see out on Lytchett Fields were the 2 summer plumaged Water Pipit, a summer plumaged Spotted Redshank and the sites first Reed Warbler of the year. Another different Hen Harrier buzzed through the harbour this AM, this one a compact juvenile male which was seen high above Swineham before making its way back towards Arne. The harbours first Whitethroat appeared at the PCW Drain along with 3 each of Blackcap, Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff. A Ruff was also noted in Holes Bay NE with a Common Sandpiper and a Peregrine passed over. In Middlebere there were 4 Spotted Redshank (2 summer plumaged), c40 summer plumaged Dunlin, c200 summer plumaged Black-tailed Godwit and a single Spoonbill. Cuckoo’s are now popping up here and there with one on Canford Heath and another on Hartland Moor.

Osprey – Holton Lee (viewed from Lytchett Fields) – Ian Ballam

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