
Harbour Update – posted 14/04/15

The fog lifted pretty quickly this morning and gave way to a stunner of a day and there seemed to be a few migrants on the move too. At Arne a Yellow Wagtail passed overhead at Middlebere and many Willow Warbler and Blackcap were singing, there were 4 Spoonbill in the Middlebere channel along with 1 Whimbrel, several Redshank and a Marsh Harrier. A further 4 Marsh Harrier were ‘flirting’ their way along the Wareham channel and the sky was filled with Buzzards everywhere you looked! At Sherford Pools, Lytchett Bay there were 2 Little Ringed Plover, 2 Lapwing, 1 Greenshank and 1 Green Sandpiper. Just outside the harbour at Morden Bog 2 Tree Pipit were back, and at least 2 Woodlark were present. 

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