
Harbour Update – posted 13/07/20

She came back! Briefly! It was fantastic to see female Osprey CJ7 back on her nest cam today for a couple of extended periods. She spent some time nest cleaning/tidying and also seemed to be regurgitated a pellet….lovely! We know from other peoples reports that she hasn’t really ventured very far this spring and summer, and wondered if her re-appearance on the nest was related to another Osprey being in the area, but we couldn’t find/see one. We’re now entering prime time (mid July to late Aug) where non-breeding 3-year old Osprey begin heading back to natal areas again to have a good look around before migrating off to Africa, and of course, migrant adults and juveniles will also be arriving soon so keep your eyes peeled if out around the harbour or on our webcam for any new visitors that happen to drop by. As predicated, a wandering heron species, this time, a fine summer plumaged Cattle Egret, appeared on Lytchett Fields and stayed for most of the day, although hiding for most of it. Late July and August see’s heron species from both here in the UK and the near continent leave the breeding colonies and begin wandering/visiting various wetlands. It was late July 2018 that Lytchett Fields had a flock of 7 Great White Egret ‘drop in’ for several minutes before heading off again. Also at Lytchett Fields were 7 Little Ringed Plover, 1 Spotted Redshank, 3 Greenshank, 15 Green Sandpiper and the 1st Whimbrel of the autumn. Also, at Lytchett Heath 7 Crossbill were still present. At Holme Lane GP the flock of 14 Egyptian Geese were still present and in the Wareham Channel, 3 different Marsh Harrier left the west harbour roost. The Brownsea Lagoon had 16 Black-tailed Godwit and 14 Common Redshank.

Cattle Egret – Lytchett Fields – Ian Ballam

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