
Harbour Update – posted 13/06/18

The return wader passage continued this AM with Lytchett Fields Green Sandpiper totals rising from 3 to 5 today and there was still a Grey Plover and Greenshank out on the fields too. It seems to be a good Hobby year in terms of numbers present, lets hope they all successfully breed but birds were seen hawking over Slepe Heath and Hartland, Arne, the Wareham bypass and at Morden Bog up to 6+ birds were present. At Holton Pools a Little Ringed Plover was on the new scrapes. There is a real absence of Spotted Flycatcher this summer so we’d be really keen to hear of any nesting in people’s gardens or if anyone knows of any sites then please also let us know. There are none at the traditional sites and spring passage was very limited this year. Around the harbour mixed-tit flocks are already forming and newly fledged Chiffchaff and blackcap are joining them and it won’t be long until the first Willow Warblers start joining them too. We also found a small colony of Silver-studded blue Butterfly on Lytchett Bay Heath which is actually a first record of this species for the whole of Lytchett Bay and a welcome addition to the Lytchett Bay non-avian list.

Little Ringed Plover – Holton Pools – Trevor Wilkinson

Silver-studded Blue Butterfly – Lytchett Bay Heath – Paul Morton

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