
Harbour Update – posted 13/05/21

Limited coverage of the harbour today. A survey of Holes Bay resonated with the season, only 4 Oystercatcher and a single Redshank representing the wader assemblages today, accompanied by vocal Reed Warbler, Swallow, Blackcap, Chiffchaff all present, along with 1 Common Whitethroat. Elsewhere, 20 Swift were feeding over Swineham this afternoon, and another 5 over Parkstone.

Exciting news – Our Nightjar experience walks are back! The southern heaths of Poole Harbour are a stronghold for Nightjar – and Slepe Heath is no exception. This mysterious bird and its quirky lifestyle add to their endearing personality and haunting ‘churr’ rings out across the heathland at dusk. Join Birds of Poole Harbour to learn about and see some of the important areas for these heathland specialists whilst taking in stunning views out across the Wareham Channel. The grand finale will be listening to (and hopefully watching) Nightjar as they become active at dusk, before they then head out in to the darkness. Booking essential. Visit our events page for more details and bookings.

Common Whitethroat – Holes Bay – Holes Bay Nature Twitter Account @BayHoles

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