
Harbour Update – posted 13/04/17

Today provided another nice mix of spring migrants and birds on the move when 2 first summer Spoonbill passed over Lytchett Bay, heading east. Our over-wintering birds had departed a few weeks ago so it seems these were potentially migrants passing through the area. On Lytchett Fields 2 newly arrived Ruff were feeding in amongst the Black-tailed Godwits. A Hobby dashed through over Slepe Heath quickly, heading west towards Wareham. An early evening visit to Swineham produced an Osprey over the western end of the Wareham Channel, 2 Common Sandpiper on the edge of the pit, 1 House Martin amongst a mixture of Swallow and Sand Martin over the main pit and an intriguing 64 Gadwall in the Wareham Channel. Up on Branksome cliff top a Dartford Warbler was in gorse next to the road, along Cliff Drive and 3 Gannet were out in Poole Bay. Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, a few Wheatear, more Blackcap and gentle passages of hirundines were noted at several sites across the harbour but still no sign of any Redstart, Lesser Whitethroat or even Common Whitethroat! 

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