After last nights storm the wind eased to a steady bellow and eventually eased to gentle breeze. Todays highlight was a Bittern on the Swineham/Arne Moors boarder that lifted off one of the footpaths and disappeared into the reeds. Although not reported too often, it wouldn’t surprise me if several Bittern over-winter in the harbour, its just that the reed beds are so vast and complex you just never see the. I haven’t checked Hatch Pond recently…has anyone else? There was also a minimum of 11 Marsh Harrier in and around the Wareham Channel. Spoonbills were out in Lytchett Bay and Arne moors (of all places) but still, the best spot to see them by far is out on Shipstal Point, Arne RSPB reserve. Kingfishers seem quite prominent at the moment with several encountered along the Frome this evening and birds being seen regularly from Shipstal Hide. Water Pipit were at Lytchett Bay and Ridge Wharf Yacht Club.
What started off as a promising day, with overcast sky’s and an easterly air flow, soon descended into…
Find out moreDespite the rain, which ended up lasting aaaallllllll day, there was still plenty of great birding top be…
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