Wintering birds continued to build in numbers today, with the peak high-tide count in North Holes Bay amounting to 120+ Wigeon, 500+ Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Pintail and 5 Shoveler, in addition to 40+ Little Egret. The 2 Pochard were still present on the Holme Lane Gravel Pit, alongside a newly arrived female type Garganey. On the second high-tide this evening Lytchett Fields held a nice variety which included singles of Little Stint, Ruff, and Knot, alongside 5 Ringed Plover and 70+ Dunlin.
Autumn migrants also continue to push through, and this morning the 100th Grasshopper Warbler of the season was ringed at Lytchett Bay (more than double the usual average)! At the eastern end of Hartland Moor at least 7 Wheatear and 1 Whinchat were present this afternoon. And on the south eastern shore of Holes Bay a single Whitethroat was present in the bushes alongside the Asda building (where both Peregrine could be seen throughout the day).
We also think that our final remaining translocated Osprey chick, 371 (aka Wee Nippy), may have departed in this morning’s clear weather window! Despite the undeniable empty nest syndrome, it’s always such a relief to see the last member of a batch leave in such good physical condition. We wish him well on his journey and hope to see him and the rest of his cohort back in two years time!
Grasshopper Warbler – Lytchett Heath – Shaun Robson
Spring seems to be creeping along with more displaying and nest building birds today, including multiple Raven pairs/territories…
Find out moreAlthough you couldn’t see further than 100m for much of the day, there were birds to be found…
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