At risk of overloading our sightings page with Peregrine photos, it’s not every day you can enjoy such a spectacle in the heart of a busy conurbation! Feral Pigeon continue to be delivered to young, and once fledged, we might begin to witness live prey being brought in – all excellent practice for juveniles looking to hone in their new hunting skillset!
Tickets have sold out for tomorrow’s Osprey Project Tour cruise, but limited spaces remain on trips running on 20 June, 27 June & 4 July. Make the most of this glorious weather while enjoying a guided tour of the harbour delivered by our Osprey Project team for a unique opportunity to gain an overview of the project and its progress, along with some of the finer details and what we can expect to happen next. While there won’t be guaranteed views of Ospreys from the boat, there is always the chance that one of over-summering pair will make an appearance, so all eyes will be firmly fixed on the skies…
These balmy, hot summer’s evenings are also prime conditions for the Nightjars breeding across our local heathlands. We cannot encourage you enough to get out one evening this week! Pick a still, muggy evening and venture out for dusk to experience the other-worldly, churring song of this heathland specialist.
Joe Parker
Juvenile Peregrine – Barclays, Poole – Twitter @twamers
Spring seems to be creeping along with more displaying and nest building birds today, including multiple Raven pairs/territories…
Find out moreAlthough you couldn’t see further than 100m for much of the day, there were birds to be found…
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