
Harbour Update – posted 12/06/16

At Lytchett Fields up to 20 Lapwing were seen lifting off Holton Pools suggesting more return/early movement passage of failed breeders. However it won’t be long before the first fresh juvenile birds start arriving too. This year we’re also conducting a full Poole Harbour breeding gull census and today whilst trying to survey the Old Town end of Poole we were dive bombed and splattered by protective parents as almost all Herring Gull chicks have now hatched and can be seen scrabbling around on numerous roof tops. At Arne a female Marsh Harrier was seen off Coombe with a Tree Pipit, Redstart and several Dartford Warbler family parties. 

Herring Gull chick – Old Town Poole

Woodlark – Poole Harbour Heathland

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