
Harbour Update – posted 12/03/24

Another day, another Osprey arrives back in the UK, this time it’s the resident female at Rutland Water, ‘Maya’. She first started nesting at Rutland in 2010, meaning this is her 14th year on the Manton Bay nest. In those 14 years, today equals the earliest she’s ever returned back to her nest site. When you also consider the early returning female ‘NCO’ who dropped onto her nest at Loch of the lowes in Scotland on March 8th, it seems this season is shaping up to be an early one, and could even possibly see one of our Ospreys, 022 or CJ7 arrive back next week? Who knows, but it’s great to see these amazing birds returning. There were 28 Cattle Egret on Wareham Common, the Goosander was still in Holes Bay where there were 2 Spotted Redshank in the SW sector, both Peregrines were on the Asda flats, off Middle Beach, Studland 3 Great Northern Diver were loafing about and 3 Red Kite were over Organford. A White-tailed Eagle was in Brands Bay this afternoon, a Merlin was at Greenlands Farm.

Hopefully a scene we’ll see here in a short while, with Rutland female ‘Maya’ arriving back her nest at Rutland Water

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