
Harbour Update – posted 12/03/16

After our successful sound recording session from our recording station in Old Town Poole we gave it another go on Friday night in the hope of another big movement, but it seems the fog put a stop to that around midnight. Although not as busy as the previous night there was still a moderate thrush passage before the fog set in with totals between 7pm and 3am being…

Redwing calls – 377

Blackbird calls – 52

Song Thrush calls – 5

Teal – 1

Curlew – 1

Moorhen – 1

Oystercatcher – 4

Once we’ve been through all recordings from thurs, fri and sat night we’ll post some on our sightings blog.

Sightings from today included a few Lesser-spotted Woodpecker with one in the tree line leading down to Lytchett Fields and 2 at Holton Lee. Out on Lytchett Fields there were 6 Greenshank, 2 Green Sandpiper and a Marsh and Hen Harrier hunting too. On Brownsea there were 4 Sandwich Tern and a Firecrest was at PC World again.

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