
Harbour Update – posted 11/10/15

More vis-mig totals but before those 7 Marsh Harrier were counted coming out of the west Poole Harbour roost and a Hobby and Merlin were observed around the Arne Moors/Hartland area. A Woodcock was sat out on French’s pools, Lytchett Fields first thing. At Glebelands, Ballard vis-mig counts included 15 Crossbill, 302 alba Wagtails, 276 Meadow Pipit, 253 Linnet, 113 Siskin, 120 Goldfinch and 3 Redpoll.  At South Haven there were 15 Crossbill, 85 Linnet, 657 Siskin, 128 Goldfinch, 32 Chaffinch, 11 Redwing/Song Thrush, 32 alba Wagtail, 2 Sparrowhawk and 12 Pintail. The Spoonbill 50+  are still commuting between the Brownsea Lagoon and Shipstal Point, Arne and the Great White Egret was at Shipstal too. 

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