
Harbour Update – posted 11/03/24

There was a huge low-tide across the harbour this evening which prompted many Mediterranean Gulls to settle along various shorelines, some feeding, some courting and some squabbling! The call of Med Gulls returning to the harbour is just as good as the first Chiffchaff or drumming Great Spotted Woodpecker in our opinion, and another true spring arrival. An adult male Merlin was hunting Linnet in the arable field at Lytchett Fields and a Red Kite was low over Holton Lee, viewed from Lytchett Fields. In Shell Bay, Studland there were 3 Great Northern Diver, a Spotted Redshank was in Middlebere, with another at Lytchett Fields, 12 Cattle Egret were on Wareham Common and the redhead Goosander in Holes Bay was doing it’s best to hide away in the Red-breasted Merganser group. Well done Rene Goad for finding it!

Goosander (left) and Red-breasted Merganser (right) – Holes Bay

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