
Harbour Update – posted 11/02/19

Much calmer today making open water viewing a bit more straight forward. The Studland Peninsular is always worth checking after a few days of consistent wind as birds will often take shelter either in Studland or Shell Bay, or within the harbour its self. There was evidence of this  today as a Black-throated Diver was close in shore off Shell Bay and a new in female Eider was off the southern Brownsea shore. Off Middle Beach, Studland a decent passage of auks (Guillemots and Razorbills) headed out into Poole Bay to feed for the day with several settled off Old Harry. There were also 12 Black-necked Grebe, a single Slavonian Grebe and 4 Great Northern Diver (3 flying, 1 settled) off Middle Beach. Out from Cliff Drive, Canford Cliffs a tight flock of 28 Great Crested Grebe were off the beach. At dawn a Great White Egret headed up the Frome Valley, as did 6 Cattle Egret which were later in the field at Nutcrack Lane. There are currently now only 2 Marsh Harrier in the harbour and the single female Hen Harrier continues to endure her own company.  At Lytchett Fields there were singles of Spotted Redshank and Spoonbill (later seen on Holton Pools), 3 Green Sandpiper, 2 Greenshank and 1 Water Pipit. In the Arne car park a Firecrest was in the holly by the Coombe Heath entrance track and Dartford Warbler were out enjoying the early spring warmth. We also conducted one of our first night recording sessions of the season, this time in the Piddle Valley, a potentially excellent and productive migration corridor in and out of the harbour. In terms of birds moving, it’s still very early in the year, however we still logged 2 Coot, 1 Water Rail, 2 Common Snipe, 2 Teal and 2 Redwing. Although these numbers are low, it’s a sign that some species are already beginning to move about, and by the first week of March (and certainly into the second week) winter thrush’s, waders and wildfowl will all be on the move in far greater numbers heading back north.

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