
Harbour Update – posted 10/06/23

Although it may have gone a bit ‘eagle quiet’ in recent days, there were actually 4 different White-tailed Eagles in the harbour area today, with the semi-resident pair G466 and G463 in the Wareham Channel, plus female G801 and male G816 both arrived back within the last 24 hours. They’re all keeping their heads low it seems, and don’t seem to be as ‘flighty’ as in recent months, but they’re definitely still loving the Wareham Channel area, so don’t stop looking. It’s just you may have to look a bit harder. There were a few more ‘juv’ firsts for the summer with the first juvenile Black-headed Gull of the season appearing on Lychett Fields along with the first juvenile Lapwing, having almost certainly fledged from somewhere reasonably close by. A Hobby was seen over Upton, 2 Red Kite were over Sandford. Male Osprey 022 was seen fishing in the Wareham Channel near Giggers Island and there was a season high count of 7 Puffin at Dancing Ledge this evening. There were Cuckoo on Slepe Heath and at Coombe Heath, RSPB Arne. And finally, some good news, having been missing for several days, the 3rd juv Peregrine from the Barclays building re-appeared today with the whole famil of 5 (3 juvs and 2 adults) on show this evening.

Reed Warbler – Lytchett Bay – Ian Ballam

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