
Harbour Update – posted 10/03/16

Some late news reached us today of a Black-throated Diver off Knoll Beach on Tuesday with one (possibly two) there again today. At the PC World drain a Firecrest was singing and there were 2 pollen-faced Chiffchaff with several of the ringed birds. Off Baiter late afternoon a huge low tide saw almost the whole of the northern edge of Poole Harbour drained of water with Parkstons Bay, Whitley Lake, Saltern Bank and the Brownsea shorelines all exposed, attracting big numbers of gulls to feed. Med Gulls were well into triple figures but still not the Iceland or Glaucouse Gulls that were searched for. On the Brownsea Lagoon 2 Spoonbill were again feeding around ‘the boomerang’.

The recent hedge clearing at Lytchett Fields to open the site up seems to be working with birds just as happy to use the site as before, but to keep disturbance down to a minimum the RSPB have been erecting a dividing screen next to French’s viewpoint which should be finished by this weekend and we hope in turn will also include some interpretation.

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