
Harbour Update – posted 10/02/24

A rather pleasant day today which got some raptors moving about. There was a stunning young female Goshawk circling over Holmebride this morning where there were also 2 Marsh Harrier. There were numerous Common Buzzard soaring and displaying and the White-tailed Eagle pair were both hunting in the Wareham Channel this morning. The Upton/Canford Waxwings were still giving good views at both sites (Upton this AM and Canford this afternoon). Yesterdays very early Swallow was apparently still hawking off the Studland Beaches and out in Studland Bay. There are plenty of Med Gull now coming into summer plumage which are venturing into the harbour more frequently. There was also a noteworthy logging of a yaffling Green Woodpecker in Upton CP, a bird thats sadly become scarcer and scarcer around the harbour.

Female Goshawk – Holmebridge

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