Today was one of those classic winter days in the harbour. There seemed to be plenty of birders and birds about which included of 85 happy campers on one the National Trust/RSPB Poole Harbour Bird Boats, of which we were doing the commentary on. In total 65 species were seen, with the full list viewable HERE. However, there were plenty of highlights to talk about. Firstly, the harbour record for Great Northern Diver was broken with a minimum of 16 counted between Poole Quay and Brands Bay. As only around 70% of the harbour was covered today, it’s quite feasible that there were up to twenty within the harbour today, not to mention birds seen in the outer bays. The tame Baiter bird even had the courtesy to come and swim along to Poole Quay just as everyone was boarding. A Red-throated Diver also gave great views off the end of Goathorn Point. The Black Guillemot was again showing nicely off the Brownsea SE corner. Spoonbill were on Brownsea (2) and Shipstal, Arne (30+). A Common Scoter was off the Brownsea north shore and three Black-necked Grebe off the southern shore. Peregrines were seen on Brownsea and out in central harbour. The Brownsea Lagoon was looking superb with 743 Black-tailed Godwit, 97 Bar-tailed Godwit, 182 Grey Plover, 341 Avocet and 253 Shoveler, not to mention the Knot, Dunlin, Spotted Redshank and Greenshank. Out in central harbour there were 3 Sandwich Tern, plenty of Goldeneye, Red-breasted Merganser and Great Crested Grebe. At Arne, the Great White Egret performed well all morning in Middlebere and a drake Goosander was reported at the top of Middlebere. There were 3 different ringtail Hen Harrier at dusk with two females and a young male and between 6-7 Marsh Harrier went into roost. No Short-eared Owls have been seen in and around the Arne/Slepe area for over a week now, which is a shame. The Smew was again in Holes Bay south and a Merlin was at Lytchett Fields.
Great Northern Diver – Poole Quay – 10/01/16
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