
Harbour Update – posted 09/09/20

The cold start seemed promising for migrants but they were few and far between. The highest count of the autumn for Yellow Wagtail were logged just north of Wareham on the common. Holes Bay north broke the 1000 mark of Black-tailed Godwit with 1073 counted which is a superb September count (well done Martin Adams), also the Wigeon flock hit the century with 107 plus c15 Knot, 49 Curlew, 39 Teal, 2 Shoveler, 1 Kingfisher and a Cettiā€™s Warbler. At Middlebere there was 1 Marsh Harrier, c30 Avocet, a small group of Spoonbill, 2 Spotted Redshank, plus 1 Ruff and several Knot. At Lytchett Fields an Osprey was seen out in the bay and a Whinchat was on the approach fields. An Osprey was also out hunting over the Wareham Channel and a Marsh Harrier was in the Piddle Valley.

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