
Harbour Update – posted 08/10/16

It would be fair to say that so far this autumn has very much been a Yellow-browed Warbler and Ring Ouzel autumn with yet more records of each species today. Yellow-browed Warblers were recorded at Lytchett Bay (1) and Arne (1) and there were 2 Ring Ouzels at Arne, 1 ringed at Lytchett Bay, 2 night sound recorded over Lytchett Bay and 2 night sound recorded over our listening station in Old Town Poole. The Lesser Yellowlegs was again out in Lytchett Bay with Greenshank and 3 Curlew Sandpiper on Lytchett Fields. At Arne the Spoonbill flock was at around 40 birds, presumably with some on the Brownsea Lagoon too and there were 3+ Firecrest around the car park. Totals from our night recording session included 253 Redwing calls, 12 Song Thrush calls, 34 Blackbird calls, 2 Ring Ouzel and an alba wagtail flock in the very early hours.

Ring Ouzel 07/10/16 @ 23:18 Call of a night time migrant, Old Town Poole Listening Station

Yellow-browed Warbler – Lytchett Bay – Shaun Robson


Ring Ouzel – Lytchett Bay – Shaun Robson

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