
Harbour Update – posted 08/10/15

Today a coordinated count took place in an effort to obtain an accurate total of Spoonbill with a count at Arne and a count on the Brownsea Lagoon using the Birds of Poole Harbour Brownsea Lagoon webcam. The outcome was quite staggering. Arne held 28 birds and Brownsea Lagoon held 32 meaning there was a minimum of 60 in the harbour. We say minimum, as who’s to say there weren’t others elsewhere in the harbour feeding or roosting. We’ll try and coordinate more counts over the next week or two to obtain an accurate total before some birds depart further into the south-west. At RSPB Lytchett Fields there were still big numbers of Teal and Redshank, also 40+ Dunlin, 6 Greenshank, 7 Chiffchaff, 2 Blackcap, 1 Wheatear and 5 Goldcrest. Despite the calm weather there was a small pulse of vis-mig at South Haven, Studland with 61 Redpoll, 23 Siskin, 19 Linnet, 20 Greenfinch, 66 Chaffinch, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 5 Skylark and 18 House Martin, all north. In brands Bay 356 Teal, 58 Pintail, 72 Wigeon, 1 Grey Plover, 106 Black-tailed Godwit, 1 Greenshank and 28 Dunlin were counted. Off Knoll Beach 8 Black-necked Grebe were on the water. 

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