
Harbour Update – posted 08/01/18

A freezing cold School Bird Boat this morning was productive in that the number of Great Northern Diver seen from it increased to 8, the highest count so far this winter. Also seen were at least 7 Black-necked Grebe and about 15 Spoonbill hunkered down on Patchins Point. Lytchett Bay still held 3 Spoonbill and the ringtail Hen Harrier was seen there once again. The Great Northern Diver was still on the main boating lake in Poole Park but was stubbornly staying out in the middle. At least two Guillemot were still bobbing around just off Poole Quay with one of them venturing in quite close to the wall. A Siberian Chiffchaff  (Phylloscopus collybita tristis) was seen in amongst the Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita collybita) at Norden Sewage Works.

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