
Harbour Update – posted 07/10/21

After last nights hat-trick of Jack Snipe last night at Sunnyside, another was logged today, this time during daylight hours, seen flying over Lytchett Bay where there were also 2 Marsh Harrier and c50 Meadow Pipit. In Holes Bay a Great White Egret landed briefly another in Middlebere. Also in Middlebere were c30 Pintail, 2 Spoonbill, c50 Avocet and 2 Marsh Harrier. In Poole Park a Firecrest was singing briefly and in Holes Bay there were 475 Wigeon. At Baiter there was a hardy Wheatear also a Rock Pipit, several Swallow over and c10 Turnstone. Also, some more autumn firsts this evening with 2 Red-breasted Merganser back in Brands Bay along with 6 Brent Geese and 79 Great Crested Grebe. Plus, the first Redwing of the autumn flew over Brownsea too this morning.

Marsh Harrier sequence from Middlebere yesterday – pennhillman

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