
Harbour Update – posted 07/05/21

Although the weather forecast doesn’t look particularly inspiring over weekend, we can’t wait to get out into the field! Winds coming in from south and south east overnight could set up some interesting seabird passage over the next two days. Brave the heavy rain and a scope out into Poole Bay could produce the likes of skuas, seaducks and shearwaters… all difficult species to record from elsewhere in the harbour. Today’s glorious sunshine welcomed more spring arrivals, with a notable 21 Wheatear (including 2 Greenland ssp. candidates), 2 Spotted Flycatcher and a Whinchat logged across Greenlands Farm. A Cuckoo was also heard calling from Newton Heath and 3 Cattle Egret were observed in Frome Valley. A Whinchat was at Lytchett Fields.

CJ7 – Lytchett Bay – Tony Furnell

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