
Harbour Update – posted 07/04/22

The high temperatures and blue skies of last week have been replaced by a strong northerly wind, which has put a bit of a damper on migration. Swallows and Sand Martins can be found in small numbers, but it does feel the season is slightly behind. Welcome news of the first Poole Harbour Sedge Warbler singing away at Swineham appeared this morning and 3 newly arrived Wheatear added a splash of colour to an otherwise quiet visit to Greenland’s Farm, Studland. At least 3 Osprey were recorded in the harbour today, with one individual recorded over Holes Bay and shortly after low through Lytchett Fields around midday. An unringed bird was feeding on the perch opposite Middlebere hide and CJ7 continued her tour of the harbour, also visiting the Middlebere Channel.  Inspired by the strong winds, a seawatch at Middle Beach, Studland produced a single Gannet, 2 Fulmar, 2 Kittiwake, 4 Auk sp. and 3 Sandwich Tern. Lytchett Bay logged another increase of Black-tailed Godwit, with 805 this morning and 1 Spotted Redshank. An evening sea watch from Middle Beach saw the first Manx Shearwaters of the season head SE with 13 seen in total past Old Harry. There were 2 Fieldfare on Hartland.

CJ7 visits Middlebere nest

Wheatear (male) – Greenland’s Farm, Studland – Rob Johnson

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