This morning we hosted a school bird boat which provided more signs of winter as the first 2 Red-breasted Merganser appeared in the harbour and 3 fly-over Goldeneye went over Arne. A small number of Brent Geese had arrived and were feeding along the southern shores. Spoonbills were on the Brownsea Lagoon with 15 present. There is still a good spread of Ruff around the harbour and today there was 2 on the Brownsea Lagoon, 1 at Lytchett Fields 1 in Middlebere and 4 on Arne Moors. Again, the Stilt Sandpiper was in Middlebere for most of the day. Hen Harriers were seen in Middlebere and over Hartland with the adult male still present and a ringtail. There are still 4 Marsh Harrier in the harbour, ranging widely from Lytchett Fields to Sunnyside Farm, Middlebere and Arne. Migration through Ballard was again very Chiffchaff heavy with 88 ringed along with 1 Dartford Warbler, 3 Meadow Pipit and a single Goldcrest. Meadow Pipit were on the move along with a few Swallow but no concerted effort was made to do a full vis-mig count.
Little Stint – Lytchett Fields – Simon Buckell
Little Stint (juv) MVI_2701 from Waderworld on Vimeo.
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