
Harbour Update – posted 06/07/17

Things were pretty quiet today with just a couple of Little Ringed Plover on Lytchett Fields along with a Common Sandpiper and the colour ringed Greenshank. On Brownsea a Roseate Tern was reported again with a single Spotted Redshank, 6 Spoonbill and 40+ Redshank also present. In Middlebere an Osprey was on the pole again. Not that you need an excuse to visit Arne but there is even more of a reason as they now have a live stream running into their visitors centre of a Hobby nest out on the reserve. Technology and forward thinking conservation is a great combination, and when they do combine great things happen. Just like the decoy Osprey nests the RSPB/Wildlife Windows put up several years ago they also did exactly the same for Hobby, with Jason Fathers from Wildlife Widows building several Hobby nests out of hanging baskets and placing them in suitable areas around the reserve. After several frustrating years its now paid off and you can enjoy all the comings and goings of this spectacular species when you visit Arne. 

Hobby nest cam – RSPB Arne – Arne Team

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