
Harbour Update – posted 06/04/23

A fairly typical early April day, with a few drips and drabs making their way through, but the WNW wasn’t helping things much. Over Swineham there was a mix of mostly Sand Martin and Swallow but with 2 House Martin mixed in. On the Swineham scrapes the drake Garganey was still there and the Barnacle Goose dropped in again. An Osprey was hunting off Swineham Point and 2 Marsh Harrier were over Giggers Island. At Middlebere there were 3 Spoonbill this evening and a Spotted Redshank this morning, along with the lone female Osprey who was still sat on the Middlebere nest platform. At Lytchett Fields a Spotted Redshank was still present and 4 Cattle Egret flew by Rock Lea view again. The White-tailed Eagles were viewed over Swineham this afternoon before being seen of the Ham Common viewpoint this evening and earlier this afternoon 3 were having a ding dong super high above the Frome Valley. A Hobby was over Hartland this morning. Finally, an Osprey was seen hunting in Lytchett Bay this morning and Blackcap were reported singing from multiple sites.

Garganey – Swineham Scrapes – Clive Hargrave

Barnacle Goose – Swineham Scrapes – Clive Hargrave

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