
Harbour Update – posted 06/04/16

Today one of yesterdays Ospreys lingered around the Arne Peninsular for its second day, chilling out mostly in the dead trees at Middlebere but occasionally heading out to the Wareham Channel to catch a fish before returning. Ospreys can often stay in the harbour for a couple of days during the spring, especially if foul weather prevents them from moving on, but we’ll certainly be keeping an eye out to see how long this individual sticks around for. Also in Middlebere were 2 Spoonbill, 2 Grey Plover, 384 Black-tailed Godwit and a good number of displaying Redshank. The ringtail Hen Harrier is still being spotted occasionally, mostly around the Hartland/Wareham Channel area. At Lytchett Fileds a Little Ringed Plover was seen briefly.

Little Ringed Plover – Lytchett Fields – Ian Ballam

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