
Harbour Update – posted 06/03/16

Another night survey, this time around the Sunnyside area produced a good count of Jack Snipe, comfortably reaching double figures with only 3 Woodcock seen. The rise in Jack Snipe numbers is most likely due birds passing through the area on migration, which could also account for the decrease in Woodcock numbers as birds move out of their winter territory. A Red Kite passed over Lytchett Fields heading towards Holton Lee, whilst out on the fields c 60 Black-tailed Godwit, 1 Avocet, 1 Green Sandpiper and still a handful of Redwing about. In the SW corner of the harbour the well-marked female Hen Harrier was still hunting mid-morning, with females of Merlin over Hartland, Peregrine on Slepe Heath and a few Marsh Harrier. Out in the harbour a Great Northern Diver was still off Baiter with 12 Turnstone on the shoreline there and 2 Ringed Plover.

Jack Snipe – Sunnyside – Terry Elborn



Jack Snipe – Sunnyside – Terry Elborn

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