
Harbour Update – Posted 06/01/16

Today was another lovely morning with still waters and clear sky. We finally made some time to go and get some video footage of the Baiter Great Northern Diver which just happened to almost be practically walking along the beach when we arrived at 8am.

Great Northern Diver – Baiter Beach

To watch in HD click on cog shaped symbol and select 1080

 Also from Baiter were 4 Goldeneye, 6 Red-breasted Merganser and 7 Great Crested Grebe. At Norden Sewage Works there were 1-2 Firecrest and Grey Wagtail there too. Middlebere saw 1 Peregrine sat on the Osprey nest, 2 Marsh Harrier, 1 Merlin, 1 Barn Owl and 3 singing Dartford Warbler. In the west of the harbour 6 Marsh Harrier came out of the roost and 1 ringtail Hen Harrier went in (3 were present yesterday). On Brownsea 5 Spotted Redshank and 4 Greenshank were on the webcam with 200+ Black-tailed Godwit and 100+ Avocet. At Shipstal, Arne 30 Spoonbill were on the point. The Great Northern Diver, Smew and 3 Goldeneye were all still in Holes Bay south.

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